Divorce Mediation: Is It Right for You?

Divorce Mediation: Is It Right for You?

Divorce Mediation: Is It Right for You?

Divorce Mediation: Is It Right for You?When a couple decides to get a divorce, they have several options for how to handle the separation. One option is to go through mediation. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that involves a neutral third party – the mediator – who helps the couple resolve their issues. If you and your spouse are considering mediation, it’s important to understand what it is, how it works, and how to know if it’s the right fit for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of mediation and help you decide whether it is right for your divorce situation.

Mediation can be an excellent way to handle a divorce, but it’s not right for every situation. If you’re considering mediation, contact The Ohiku Law Office in Milwaukee to discuss your case with our experienced divorce attorneys. We will help you determine whether mediation is right for you and if so, we will help you find a mediator who is a good fit for your situation. Learn more about our dispute resolution services and keep reading for more on mediation.

Understanding Mediation

Mediation is a process in which the divorcing couple meets with a mediator to discuss their issues and try to reach an agreement. The mediator is a neutral third party who does not take sides or make decisions for the couple. Instead, the mediator facilitates discussion and helps the couple communicate more effectively. Mediation can be used to resolve any issue that the divorcing couple is having difficulty with, including child custody, property division, and alimony.

Benefits of Mediation

One of the benefits of mediation is that it allows couples to have more control over the outcome of their divorce. In court, a judge will make all of the decisions about your divorce – including decisions about child custody, property division, and alimony – and you will have to live with those decisions whether you agree with them or not. In mediation, however, you and your spouse are in control of the outcome. You will be the ones who make the decisions about your divorce, and you can tailor those decisions to meet your unique needs and interests.

Another benefit of mediation is that it is often faster and less expensive than going to court. Court cases can take months or even years to resolve, but mediation typically only takes a few sessions to reach an agreement. Additionally, because mediation does not involve going to court, it can save you money on legal fees.

Is Mediation Right for You?

So how do you know if mediation is right for your divorce situation? Mediation may be right for you if:

  • You and your spouse agree on most things, including child custody terms. Divorce becomes much more complicated (and emotional) when there are children involved. If you and your spouse are on the same page when it comes to the basic outlines of your child custody and placement arrangements, mediation may work for your situation.
  • You are willing to be open about finances. It is critical that both you and your spouse enter a mediation with the willingness to be open and honest about your finances. Only then will the mediator be able to help you reach an agreement that benefits everyone, including any children involved. If you are concerned your spouse will not be honest about their financial situation, it may be best to proceed to trial, where the court can ensure everything comes out in the open.
  • There is no history of domestic violence. Mediation is a peaceful process that enables both parties to share in the decision-making process. If you have a history of domestic violence/intimate partner violence in your marriage, it will not be possible to guarantee that both parties will be able to peacefully share the space, time, and power necessary for successful negotiation.

If you and your spouse do not agree on everything or there is a history of domestic violence, mediation may not be right for you. In those cases, it may be best to go to court.

Choosing a Mediator

Once you’ve decided that mediation is right for your divorce, the next step is to choose a mediator. When choosing a mediator, it’s important to find someone who is experienced in handling divorces and who has been trained in mediation. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the mediator you choose is someone you feel comfortable communicating with.

If you’re considering mediation for your divorce, contact The Ohiku Law Office in Milwaukee, WI. Our experienced divorce attorneys Odalo Ohiku and Felicia Owen offer expert mediation services in Milwaukee, focusing on high net worth divorce. We will work with you to ensure that your rights are protected and help you reach an agreement that is in your best interests. Call us today at 414-287-0088 to schedule a consultation.