4 Types of Alimony in Wisconsin Divorce Law | Milwaukee Divorce Lawyer

4 Types of Alimony in Wisconsin Divorce Law: What You Need to Know

4 Types of Alimony in Wisconsin Divorce Law: What You Need to Know

4 Types of Alimony in Wisconsin Divorce Law | Milwaukee Divorce LawyerWhen getting a divorce in Wisconsin, you will need to understand the different types of alimony that are available to you. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is financial assistance that one spouse provides to the other spouse after a divorce. In this blog post, we will discuss the four types of alimony that are available in Wisconsin: temporary support, permanent support, lump-sum support, and reimbursement support. We will provide an overview of each type of alimony and explain how it works. If you are getting divorced in Wisconsin, it is important to understand these four types of alimony so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your family.

At The Ohiku Law Office, expert Divorce Attorney Odalo Ohiku  has over 15 years experience guiding clients through the divorce process. He has extensive experience with the most sensitive topics around divorce, including child custody and placement, dispute resolution strategies, alimony, and more. Contact The Ohiku Law Office today to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific situation and find out which type of alimony is best for you.

What is Alimony?

Alimony is monetary support paid by one spouse to another after divorce. Alimony is not awarded in all divorce cases, and is only awarded after careful consideration of many factors by a divorce court judge. In Wisconsin, there are four types of alimony that can be awarded: temporary support, permanent support, lump-sum support, and reimbursement support. Let’s take a closer look at each type of alimony.

Temporary Support

Temporary support is financial assistance that is paid during the divorce proceedings. This type of alimony is designed to help the spouse who is less financially stable get by until a final decision is made about spousal support. Temporary support can be awarded for a set period of time or it can be granted on an indefinite basis. The amount of temporary support that is awarded will depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

Permanent Support

Permanent support is financial assistance that is paid after the divorce proceedings have ended. This type of alimony is designed to help the spouse who is less financially stable on a permanent basis. Permanent support can be awarded for a set period of time or it can be granted on an indefinite basis. The amount of permanent support that is awarded will depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

Lump-sum Support

Lump-sum support is a one-time payment that is made to the spouse who is less financially stable. This type of alimony is designed to help the spouse with a one-time need, such as the purchase of a new home or the payment of legal fees. Lump-sum support can be paid in addition to other types of alimony or it can be paid instead of other types of alimony. The amount of lump-sum support that is awarded will depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

Reimbursement Support

Reimbursement support is financial assistance that is paid to the spouse who has contributed to the other spouse’s education or training. This type of alimony is designed to reimburse the contributing spouse for their expenses. Reimbursement support can be awarded for a set period of time or it can be granted on an indefinite basis. The amount of reimbursement support that is awarded will depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

If you are getting divorced in Wisconsin, it is important to understand these four types of alimony so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your family. Speak with a Milwaukee divorce lawyer like Odalo Ohiku to learn more about your options and get advice on which type of alimony is best for you.

Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post was helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the experts at The Ohiku Law Office. We would be happy to help.